Sunday, December 5, 2010

Character Map

Character maps can list the corresponding value of a certain document in order to decipher a foreign object. These can be found for astrology, hieroglyphics and foreign languages.

Original Map URL

Navigation Map

Navigation maps are maps used to detail a route or a plan needed to take in order to get from point A to point B. You can notice these maps being used in GPS systems in cars or perhaps the Lewis and Clarke Journey to explore the West in early America.

Original Map URL

Lorenz Curve

Lorenz Curves can show how much a certain group of people can use of a whole while in turn showing the rest of the group without listing it. You can also add an average line to the graph.

Original Map URL

Unclassed Choropleth

Unclassed Choropleth maps detail data with shades of color rather than listing data to remove clutter and attain the goal in a sleek manner.

Original Map URL

Bivariate Choropleth

Bivariate Choropleths are useful in the fact that they show two variables on the same map without too much clutter.

Original Map URL

Unstandardized Choropleth

Unstandardized Choropleths can focus on the broad and vague while still getting the point across

Original Map URL

Nominal Area Choropleth

Nominal Area Choropleths take an area and create a map detailing a certain piece of data and portray it upon the geographical map like this one on Florida.

Original Map URL